Discovery Life Funeral Plan
The main purpose of funeral cover is to provide the finances to pay for your funeral the day you pass away. No-one wants to think about their own death, but it is important to do so, and understand that the ones you leave behind will go through a lot of sorrow. The last thing you would want them to worry about is finances to pay for a funeral. Luckily Discovery Life offers a great funeral plan that will prevent this, starting at just R53 a month!
Included in this plan is the option to include up to 15 people. A lump sum is paid within 24 hours after death, given that all paperwork is provided. Benefits included are an educational benefig (to pay for your childs education if your spouse passes away) and a grocery benefit (to pay for groceries during and after the funeral). You will receive a lump sum in the event of a stillborn child and there is an option for your family to receive money for a full year after your death.
If you are interested in this amazing plan from Discovery Life, please to not hesitate to request a free quote.